

³æ¤¸ 2. ¥y¤l (2)


¤­ºØ¥y«¬ («ö¥\¯à¤À) :



1. Declarative Sentence ±Ô­z¥y

You are a good student. §A¬O¤@­Ó¦n¾Ç¥Í¡C

He didn't go to school yesterday. ¥L¬Q¤Ñ¨S¤W¾Ç¡C


2. Interrogative Sentence ºÃ°Ý¥y

Are you a teacher ? §A¬O¦Ñ®v¶Ü ?

What is that ? ¨º¬O¤°»ò ?

Is that a pen or a pencil ? ¨º¬O¤@¤ä¿ûµ§©Î¹]µ§ ?

Who doesn't like peace ? ( = Everyone likes peace. ) ½Ö¤£³ßÅw©M¥­ ? (=¨C­Ó¤H³£³ßÅw©M¥­¡C)

That is a good book, isn't that ? ¨º¬O¤@¥»¦n®Ñ, ¤£¬O¶Ü ?


3. Imperative Sentence ¬è¨Ï¥y

Be a good girl ! °µ¤@­Ó¦n¤k«Ä !

Teach me this lesson, please. ½Ð±Ð§Ú³o¤@½Ò¡C


4. Exclamatory Sentence ·P¹Ä¥y

How clever the boy is ! ¨º­Ó¨k«Ä¦h»òÁo©ú°Ú !

How well she sings ! ¦o°Û±o¦h»ò¦nÅ¥°Ú !

How erect a tree it is ! ¨º´Ê¾ð¦h»òª½°Ú !

What a good husband you have ! ©p¦³¤@­Ó¦h»ò¦nªº¥ý¥Í°Ú !

What beautiful pencils she has ! ¦o¦³¤@¨Ç¦h»òº}«Gªº¹]µ§°Ú !


5. Optative Sentence ¬èÄ@¥y

God bless your family ! Ä@¥D«O¦ö§Aªº®a¤H !

May you have a nice day ! ¯¬§A¦³­Ó¬ü¦nªº¤ê¤l !




½m²ß: ¬Ý¬Ý§A¾Ç¨ì¤F¦h¤Ö !



³æ¤¸ 1.


¨ä¥L»²§U¾Ç²ß :


On-Line English Grammar

English Grammar Links for ESL Students - ¥]§t°Ñ¦Ò¸ê®Æ©M½m²ß¡C

CNN Newsroom and Worldview for ESL- ¤åªk©M¦r·Jªº½m²ß¡C

Darling's Guide to Grammar - Capital Community-Technical College ±Ð±Â Charles Darling ªº­^¤å±Ð¾Çºô¯¸¡C

Grammar Girl's Guide to the English Language - ¥]§t³\¦h¿Ë¤l¦@¦P¾Ç²ßªººô¯¸¡C









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